Saturday, 19 February 2011
Personal Diary Entry and Coursework Tracker
I am up to date with all of my work now I need to make the mock ups and the final magazine and poster and am I completed finished. I have completed all of the tasks that are on my coursework tracker but I have also added extra research such as my viral campaigning ideas. Therefore I am happy with my progress.
New Images and Photoshop Experiments
Create your own video slideshow at
I think that this image is much too pale and does not look professional because of the type of editing I did on it. I put a negative effect on the image which is not going to grab the audiences attention because you cannot see the image that well. I also think that the warp effect I used made the characters hands look unreal and weird which I did not like although it does look creepy I will not be using this as one of my images.
I think that the editing I did on this image is quite effective as her face really stands out against the black background. I have smudged black on all of the background and her eyes to make them look creepy and I have made the red stand out more by making it brighter. I will still need to edit this image more as I think that I made her teeth too white, but I really like the image and I will be using it on my magazine front cover.
This image is also quite effective as I have used some common conventions in horror such as the blue tint over the character which I think works well with the whole atmosphere I want to create with my poster therefore I will be using this image on my poster. However I will still need to edit it more by adding a black gradient from the bottom and making the redness of the blood more prominent to make the image more dramatic. I am going to make her face have some red on it to match the blood such as her eyes or lips, but I am going to see if that will look effective first.
I edited this image on Adobe Photoshop which I used to edit all of my images. I added a purple tint to the whole image and I darkened the top of the image such as around the characters face. I think this image is good however I do not think the purple looks scary enough for me to use it on my magazine or poster and it is not conventional. It would have worked better with a blue tint on it however I wanted to try something different, unfortunately it did not work out as well as I wanted and I will not be using this image.
I put a negative effect and a red tint on this image but I think that like in the first image I edited the negative effect made the characters hands look unreal and I did not like this. I also think that this image does not look professional enough for me to use on my magazine or poster and although red is conventional in horror I wanted to do something a bit different. I added a warp effect to make the characters arms and face look a bit creepier but I felt that this effect didn't look effective.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Typeface Ideas
Masthead typeface ideas:
Kickers typeface ideas:
Title typeface ideas:
Other e.g. credits/ release date of film/ institutional identity, actors names, etc. typefaces:
Test Shots
I liked this image because it looks very creepy with her eyes half open and half closed, however I will have to edit the pictures on Adobe Photshop if I am goign to use these on my poster or magazine because it looks quite comical at the moment and the look I am going for is more scary as it is going to be promoting my horror film.
These images are quite comical because the doll does not look intimidating and it looks funny. To make these images have a more horror look I am going to make the images more dark and mysterious by changing the brightness, the doll's face by edited her eyes to make them more scary, e.g. make them grey or red.
Market Research
Target Audience:
My target audience for my poster and my film magazine will obviously be film fans however they will be a specific type of film fans of teenagers and young adults who are normally interested in horror and comedy films as older and more mature audiences find these genres mediocre, I will try to appeal to them by using their feedback and my market research before I created my film magazine and poster and creating something that they will specifically like. The colour scheme will also play a part in attracting my target audience as the colours, red, black and white will give my magazine a modern look and they are also colours that are associated with the horror genre therefore my audience will be attracted by to horror edition of my magazine.
My target audience for my poster and my film magazine will obviously be film fans however they will be a specific type of film fans of teenagers and young adults who are normally interested in horror and comedy films as older and more mature audiences find these genres mediocre, I will try to appeal to them by using their feedback and my market research before I created my film magazine and poster and creating something that they will specifically like. The colour scheme will also play a part in attracting my target audience as the colours, red, black and white will give my magazine a modern look and they are also colours that are associated with the horror genre therefore my audience will be attracted by to horror edition of my magazine.
Questionnaire on Prezi
I created my questionnaire on Blackberry messenger to find out what the target audience of my magazine would want on their magazine, how much they would pay and what colour scheme they would prefer, etc. The reason that I made sure my questionnaire was short was so that my target audience would definitely fill it out because if it was too long I know that they would not want to waste their time on filling out questionnaires. The reason I chose to create it on blackberry messenger is because I know that a big majority of my target audience of teenagers and young adults own a blackberry and therefore it is easier to contact them through these means. I sent the questionnaire to 50 recipients and 40 people replied, the results showed that most of my target audience wanted a red, black and white colour scheme therefore I will be using these colours mostly but I will also incorporate other colours to fit into my magazine and make it stand out. The results also showed that my target audience hardly ever bought film magazine as the result was most for every 6 months or less, therefore I feel that my magazine can change this and hopefully give my target audience a film magazine that is perfect for their needs at their age! I also found that most of them would buy it if it was priced between £1-£2 which I think is a reasonable price for my target audience as most of them are students and therefore will only have part time or no jobs therefore they will need to have a suitable low price for the magazine. The target audience chose that they would like interviews and a list of the hottest film which I will be using on my magazine as I now know that they will be attracted by these features. The least results was for the pictures of the film premiere therefore I will not be using this as a kicker line because they will not be attracted by this. Lastly the results shown that a huge majority would prefer a still from the movie as the main image on the magazine therefore this is what I will be using as the image is very important to attract the target audience therefore I must listen to their feedback to make sure they will want to buy my magazine.
I created my questionnaire on Blackberry messenger to find out what the target audience of my magazine would want on their magazine, how much they would pay and what colour scheme they would prefer, etc. The reason that I made sure my questionnaire was short was so that my target audience would definitely fill it out because if it was too long I know that they would not want to waste their time on filling out questionnaires. The reason I chose to create it on blackberry messenger is because I know that a big majority of my target audience of teenagers and young adults own a blackberry and therefore it is easier to contact them through these means. I sent the questionnaire to 50 recipients and 40 people replied, the results showed that most of my target audience wanted a red, black and white colour scheme therefore I will be using these colours mostly but I will also incorporate other colours to fit into my magazine and make it stand out. The results also showed that my target audience hardly ever bought film magazine as the result was most for every 6 months or less, therefore I feel that my magazine can change this and hopefully give my target audience a film magazine that is perfect for their needs at their age! I also found that most of them would buy it if it was priced between £1-£2 which I think is a reasonable price for my target audience as most of them are students and therefore will only have part time or no jobs therefore they will need to have a suitable low price for the magazine. The target audience chose that they would like interviews and a list of the hottest film which I will be using on my magazine as I now know that they will be attracted by these features. The least results was for the pictures of the film premiere therefore I will not be using this as a kicker line because they will not be attracted by this. Lastly the results shown that a huge majority would prefer a still from the movie as the main image on the magazine therefore this is what I will be using as the image is very important to attract the target audience therefore I must listen to their feedback to make sure they will want to buy my magazine.
Mood Board-Poster
From the mood board I have created it is clear what kind of poster I want to create, it will be something which will really catch my audiences attention with strong images which will most probably include blood and other horror related features such as scary staring eyes, someone trying to get away from a evil being, etc. These are common conventions on horror posters and I would like to follow the conventional route so that my audience will automatically know that my poster is for a horror film, therefore I will make the process of getting my audiences attention very quick. I will also be using the colour scheme red, white and black as it is clear that these colours are heavily associated with horror therefore I believe that it is an important factor as the colour scheme will instantly let the audience know that my poster is of the horror genre.
Personal Diary Entry
So far I am up to date with of my planning for my poster and magazine as I have completed all of my work in the half term holidays therfore I have made sure that I have kept to my deadline. I feel that my work is of a good standard but I am going to improve certain aspects to get the full marks that I am able to, for example I still feel that my music and sound effects need more work therefore I am going to produce two more instrumental beats and try them out to see what one is the best. I have completed all of the planning so I am ready to start creating my poster and magazine cover now.
Photograph Schedule
Our original plan as a group was to use the photographs that we took on the filming days however we felt that we needed to take most of the photos again because we felt that the images did not come out effectively as they were dark and unclear, therefore in December we used some days for shooting the pictures which we feel came out more effectively as we used a better quality camera and better lighting, etc.
Magazine Flat Plans/ Mock Ups
The flat plan above is of the actual image that I am going to use and the places that I would like all of my kickers, masthead, barcode and banner to be. On my other flat plans/mock ups I have added a skyline on some of them however after looking at all of my options I would like to use a banner instead of a skyline because I think it looks more interesting as otherwise the magzine would look too busy at the top and be empty at the bottom which would not be the look that I want my magazine to have. I will also not be using the position of the date and price in this flat plan because this is not a conventional place for the date and price to be on a magazine cover.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Ideas for Magazine Mastheads
Flash- I felt that this masthead was good however it reminded me too much of photographs because flash is associated with cameras, etc. Therefore I thought that the audience would not automatically realise that this is a film magazine and it would not be effective so I chose not to use this masthead.
Motion- This masthead is very creative as motion can mean many different things but can be associated with films, such as motion picture. However I felt that the audience that I am trying to attract wouldn't really call films 'motion pictures' as that is what a much older audience would recognise films as therefore I felt that this masthead was not appropriate.
Edit- Edit is a word that is usually associated with films, music, photographs, etc. Things that need to be edited are usually not as good at first but are improved with the edit, therefore I thought that this masthead would not suit my magazine because I want my target audience to feel that my magazine does not need much editing to be good.
Moving image- I thought that this masthead was much too simple and obvious, therefore it was not exciting enough for the audience to think that the magazine is worth buying so I chose not to use this masthead.
Cinematic- This was my second favourite masthead idea but I chose not to use it because I felt that this was too obvious and a very common name for things to do with films and I wanted my maagzine to stand out therefre I did not choose this masthead.
Uncut- I did not like this masthead very much as I thought that uncut could be associated with a more adult theme of maagzine and therefore my target audience may get confused with it being a film magazine therefore I felt that this would not work very well.
Video- I felt that this masthead would not work because with new technology and new ways of viewing films these days video seems too outdated, although it would be a classic name it is not contemparary enough for the style of magazine I wnat to achieve.
Take One- This magazine title was a creative one because I thought of the types of things associated with films and the amount of takes the film crew have to shoot came to mind. As I found out we had to do many takes to get the right one therefore I thought the magazine name 'Take One' would stand out and have connotations of it being good in the first try therefore not having to do more than one take. However I thought that this name was not catchy enough and it would take the audience some time to realise the play on words therefore it was a bit too complicated.
Premiere- I have chosen to use this magazine title for my magazine because I think that it is sophisticated and creative therefore will appeal to my audience of film fans who are usually sophisticated people, this name will also make the audience feel like they are going to get something special out of reading it as only privileged people get to attend premieres therefore the audience will feel special with a name like this. I also think that it is very catchy and the audience will automatically know that this is a film magazine
Video- I felt that this masthead would not work because with new technology and new ways of viewing films these days video seems too outdated, although it would be a classic name it is not contemparary enough for the style of magazine I wnat to achieve.
Take One- This magazine title was a creative one because I thought of the types of things associated with films and the amount of takes the film crew have to shoot came to mind. As I found out we had to do many takes to get the right one therefore I thought the magazine name 'Take One' would stand out and have connotations of it being good in the first try therefore not having to do more than one take. However I thought that this name was not catchy enough and it would take the audience some time to realise the play on words therefore it was a bit too complicated.
Premiere- I have chosen to use this magazine title for my magazine because I think that it is sophisticated and creative therefore will appeal to my audience of film fans who are usually sophisticated people, this name will also make the audience feel like they are going to get something special out of reading it as only privileged people get to attend premieres therefore the audience will feel special with a name like this. I also think that it is very catchy and the audience will automatically know that this is a film magazine
Film Poster Analysis- Prom Night
This poster is very conventional of horror posters because the image used is an extreme close-up which shows the intense emotion of the character which in this case is fear. The fact that the character is a blond teenage girl who is seen to be the prom queen in this image as she is wearing a tiara is also a convention of horror films because young, good-looking girls as the protagonist because the audience always feel sorry for her because she seems so innocent and helpless. The 'prom' aspect makes it very clear that this is an American teenage film because teenagers and young adults are attracted to horror films like this. The fact that the prom queen in films is always good looking in films will also attract a young audience especially the males because she will most probably wear revealing outfits and be a flirtatious and pretty girl which also adds sex appeal to the film.
The blue tint over the image is used a lot in horror posters because it gives the image a cold atmosphere and also connotes ghosts and gives it an eerie feel. This also makes the poster conventional of horror films because it helps put emphasis on the image because it looks very unusual. The fact that you cannot see the characters eyes is clever because most of the time all the emotion can be seen from a characters eyes however in this image is is all from the characters mouth which is a interesting way of seeing the intense emotions of the character.
The narrative of the poster will be read from the image first because it is the main focus of the poster they will then look at the title and then the institutional logo because this stands out the least. I believe that this is very effective because it also makes the title stand out too because the title is in red and it stands out in front of the image. 'PROM NIGHT' is in a red, thin typeface which has a bit of a red glow around it. Red is typically used in horror films because it connotes blood/ danger and this will attract the target audience to this film. There is a tag line which is quite humorous 'A NIGHT TO DIE FOR' which is usually said in the context that the night was really good whereas in this situation it is used in the literal meaning, they have used humour in this to attract the target audience to the film. This tag line is in a thin, white typeface and it has strong masculine edges to make the font stand out more against the black background.
The target audience is teenagers and young adults are the main audience demographics who are attracted to these types of horror films because of two main reasons; the first is because they themselves are around this age group therefore they will want to watch the film as the characters are like a reflection of the audience and the second reason is that an older and more sophisticated audience would find these kind of horror films mediocre, especially ones whose characters are all teenagers because it is likely to have very simple and uninteresting storyline compared to the films they would watch usually.
At the bottom of the poster the institutional logo is included in the right hand corner so that the audience will be able to relate this film to previous films that the same institutional identity have made, this is also a legal requirement so that the institutional identity gets the credit for creating the film. The release date of the film is also included at the bottom but it is positioned in the centre so that the audience look at that first rather than the institutional logo because the release date is more important for the audience be able to go and watch the film.
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